Philosophy & Strategy.

Bespoked Philosophy

The Bespoked Philosophy is composed of three distinct Bespoked Pillars:

Pillar #1:

Randomness is only random through the lens of predictability.

Pillar #2:

The person with the longest time horizon wins. Short-term decisions can have long-term ramifications.

Pillar #3:

Intentionality over default, until your default becomes your intentionality.

Philosophy is nothing without strategy and values.

However, the commonality among all three indispensable "legs" of the stool for optimal performance, your Bespoked Life, is timing. It's about taking action. Knowing something doesn't change the world, doing something does.

A body at rest remains at rest, while a body in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by a force.

Let the vision of your Bespoked Life be the force that transforms your life today by taking action.